
I am a Creative Team member for Jeanine DeOre, Plum Dumpling Designs and Jen Maddocks. As a CT member I received product for free in return for creating and posting projects. If I indicate that a product was done as a requirement for a Creative Team, please be advised that the product used was indeed received for free. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are freebies all I ever post? Here's more!

Ha, It feels that way!
Today I have TWO freebies for you using Jeanine DeOre's newest collaboration with Plum Dumpling Designs. Their Sunshine in Your Heart kit released Friday, it's ready for your hot little hands.

My husband and I are considering adoption of an older child. It's kinda scary!
I enjoy getting my feelings out on "paper" now and then, it seems to really help me clarify my thoughts rather than constantly mulling over the same things. Here is the page I created on the subject and below that is a link to a template/quick page. Since the woman silhouette is so necessary to the page, it is included for you! The little butterfly is there too!!!

Click the image to download
Thanks to Plum Dumpling Designs and Jeanine DeOre Designs for permission to create and give away this freebie! Personal Use only please.


One of Jeanine's CT Members - the fabulous Betty - compiled a list of 30 quotes for you that celebrate women and the challenges we go through. They'll work great with this kit!
Find them here in a Google document you can download if you like!


I took a few of Betty's quotes and made word art. The Happiness one is a little hard to read here, but the full size version is just fine. It says "Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open" - Rose Wilder Lane

Click image to download

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Collab out TODAY! Woo hoo

I'm on the creative team for Jeanine DeOre Designs. She and Plum Dumpling Designs collaborated to create this great kit, I had the pleasure of playing with it early. It's packed full of great stuff. These two work well together. Sign up for Jeanine's Newsletter here and get a TON of freebies from the creative team too!

Don't forget - New releases are 20% off until Sunday!

Sunshine In Your Heart (Images are linked)

Check out the ScrapMatters gallery here for lots of inspiration from the CT!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Freebies and a new collab kit out Friday

Jeanine DeOre and Plum Dumpling Designs are releasing a new kit this Friday 3/18 called Sunshine in Your Heart. With the permission of Jeanine, I've created a few freebies for your personal use. I hope you enjoy them!

A page I created with

Freebie Template (click preview to download)

Freebie Word Art
Includes "Grandma" , "Grandmother", "Mother", and "Sister"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10% off for Jeanine DeOre, freebies, tutorials and more!

Jeanine DeOre
is publishing her very first newsletter

She's going all out and you'll get some super goodies for subscribing!
10% off for everyone

Woo hoo! Several CT members are creating freebies AAAAND tutorials too! Subscribe here to get in on the goodies.